Safety Leaflet
SL 6 / 23 - Life Saving Rules Brochure
This publication marks the launch of a set of life saving rules which can be used in the industrial gas industry to mitigate risk and reduce fatalities and serious injuries.
EIGA believes that if all workers in our industry follow a fundamental set of rules, many serious or potentially fatal accidents could be avoided.
Life Saving Rules are intended to remind workers of the hazards and to refer to their local risk assessments. The rules were developed from knowledge of accidents and incidents, especially those which are particular to the gas industry.
Each Rule consists of a simple icon and descriptive text, with additional detailed guidance to explain why the Rule is important and what aspects workers and supervisors should focus on.
The rules are intended to be widely shared and in the end they may be used to reinforce existing in-company safety messages and/or to provide the basis of a safety culture in any member company. Member companies may wish to omit individual rules in order to best align with existing company safety rules and published programmes.
Each Rule is also linked to relevant EIGA publications which provide guidance on controls and barriers which, if used properly, can prevent or avoid potentially fatal incidents.
The publication of the main document (Doc 924) is accompanied with the publication of a brochure and poster as Safety Leaflets (SL 06 and SL 07) and a presentation as an EIGA Training Package (TP 46).