AGM Agenda


Moravia Room (CF – Conference Floor) – Prague Marriott Hotel
Friday 31st May 2024
09:00 – 14:30

08:30   Welcome coffee
09:00 1 Administration and Safety Briefing
  2 Opening by the President
  3 Meeting Rules Statement
  4 Approval of the Minutes of the 33rd Annual General Meeting
  5 Hydrogen and the Czech Republic, who will prevail?
  6 Brussels Office Report
  7 Membership Report (short list or detailed list)
  8 Board Membership Report
  9 Next Meetings and Summits
  10 Financial Report
  11 Safety Performance Report
  12 Working Group Award 2023 – Presentation by Working Group Chair
10:35   Coffee break (in Foyer, 1st floor)
11:05 13 Safety Innovation Award 2023 – Presentation by award winner
  14 Environmental Award 2023 (1) – Presentation by award winner
  15 Environmental Award 2023 (2) – Presentation by award winner
  16 Industrial Gases Council Report (IGC)
  17 Medical Gases Council Report (MGC)
  18 Regulatory Environment Council Report (REC)
  19 Safety Advisory Council Report (SAC)
  20 Public Affairs (PA) Report
  21 National Associations Report
  22 President’s Review
  23 Past, Present, Future
13:00   Lunch in The Artisan (in main restaurant, ground-floor)
14:30   Closure